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Want a Change in Recruiting Performance? Let’s do Something Different

Español | Translation Provided by the CFA

What happens when your company experiences the same problem continuously? The problem could be curb and gutter forms that constantly need to be repaired. The problem could be concrete formwork for walls that somehow fail. It may be a critical vendor who never makes their deadline – and puts your work behind schedule and costs your company money.

Do you continue to use the same forms or vendors that are costing your company time and money while complaining they do not work?

My suspicion is that you make some adjustments. You may improve the forms to be more reliable, or you may call the supplier and give them the choice: fix the forms or return them.

How is this topic relevant to talent attraction recruiting? Far too often, I listen to companies that are having a difficult time attracting the best workers complain amongst themselves, “We cannot find good people!” When I ask what they can do different, they say something like, “We will find another place to post open positions.”

Recruiting mirrors the sales process perfectly, line by line, step by step. Are the employees on your recruiting staff sales professionals? Posting positions online and hoping the best candidates will see the posts and apply to your positions is an unreliable method when finding and recruiting new employees is a business problem.

Let’s look at your company salespeople (if your company is large enough to have a sales professional). Do they sell by posting your company’s availability for concrete contracting online? Would that work? If they do not bring sufficient business to you, how long are they employed in sales for your company?

Sales professionals have a relationship-building responsibility, not a post-and-hope responsibility. Would you agree? Since recruiting is a sales position, what will your company do different to improve your ability to attract the best workers? Will you continue to post and hope, or will your company make a substantive change to attract the best concrete workers?

As the number-one talent attraction consultant reported by both Google and Bing, I can coach your company to become wildly successful in attracting the best workers. For more information, here is a Newsbreak article about my business:

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