Press Release: Coello & Associates Welcomes Youth Apprentice Jonathan Ray to their Team

WAUKESHA, Wisc. (June 3rd, 2024) Coello & Associates Welcomes Youth Apprentice Jonathan Ray to their Team Coello and Associates is excited to welcome Jonathan Ray to their team after his successful participation in the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development’s Youth Apprenticeship program. Ray, a 2024 graduate of St. Francis High School, is the first apprentice […]
Holiday Blues: How To Manage Seasonal Depression

The holiday season is often seen as a time of joy, family gatherings, and celebrations. However, it’s important to recognize that not everyone shares in this festive spirit. For some, this time of year can be challenging, filled with feelings that are less about joy and more about coping with stress or sadness. This lesser-discussed […]
CFA Members Urged to ‘Stand Down’ for Coronavirus Safety

CFA, in partnership with the NAHB, is urging our members, and all residential construction companies, to halt work for at least 10 minutes on Thursday, April 16, for a COVID-19 Job Site Safety Stand Down to educate workers on what they should do to keep themselves safe from coronavirus and to help “flatten the curve” […]
Planning for the Future Workforce

Understanding how to recruit, train, and motivate a younger generation is helping create successful industry leaders – and social media is helping. by Tina Grady Barbaccia, AEC Editorial Specialist, Constructive Communication, Inc. One of the common stories in concrete construction that remains today is that of the son or daughter who began working with […]
Millennials in the Workforce

Millennials: we have all heard the word used in some way or another. In the workforce, it can carry a negative connotation among employers. Lazy, high maintenance, ignorant, entitled, and self-righteous are just a few of the words used to describe them. But this word carries with it another implication that the world is changing […]
The Essentials of a Return to Work Program

Lost time is a term used by OSHA to describe the number days an injured employee is away from work, but lost money is what OSHA should really call it. Each and every day an employee is away from work because of an injury or illness leads to greater losses to the employer and employee. […]
Employing the Next Generation – Convention Seminar

CFA Convention 2015 Williamsburg, VA July 23-25 “Bridging The Generational Gaps” presented by Jason Ells of Custom Concrete The next generation: who are they and how do we engage them? Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials; they all have their strengths, weaknesses and characteristics that set them apart. However, today’s business owners face very real […]

Are you having trouble finding and keeping good workers? You can’t miss David Whitlock’s sessions on Workforce Development, Friday, July 24 at the Williamsburg Lodge in Williamsburg, Va. Recruiting Keepers – This session will explore and discuss effective recruitment strategies for finding good workers. It will be focused specifically on what you can and cannot […]