2011 Projects of the Year Overall Grand Project: Single Family Residence >5,000 sq.ft.
Single Family Residence >5,000 sq.ft. Private Residence River City Foundations Louisville, Kentucky They say that everything is bigger in Texas but not to be outdone, this year’s number one project as voted online by visitors to our website, is from the great state of Kentucky. River City Foundations, a CFA member since 2005, submitted […]
Summer Convention is just around the corner and with it comes our focus on many of the best CFA features in all regards. One of the most significant and underutilized opportunities is the CFA Projects of the Year program. Each year, as a member of the CFA, you have the opportunity to look back at projects you’ve completed that offered the biggest challenges or were the […]
This month we feature another article by the talented author, Robert Wilson. Writer of The Un-comfort Zone, Mr. Wilson is always able to convey a message of focus, growth and sensibility that can be applied to each of our businesses. What is your company doing to educate key individuals? What steps is your company taking to educate all personnel? World […]
OSHA RULES: A New Normal
by Jim Baty, CFA Technical Director, jbaty@cfawalls.org In an increasing environment of employee protection and conservatism for risk management, OSHA has completed work on two major areas affecting the residential foundation industry. Depending on the scope of your business and the project types you are involved, your company should immediately begin taking the steps necessary to educate and ensure compliance. Your CFA membership can be […]
I Can Hear You Now! (Tech Bit 49)
Cell phones have become an integral part of society… There are over 200 million cell phone users (that’s two out of every three people in the United States). When I sold the family rep agency in 2000, I decided to use my cell phone as my primary business phone number. With as much traveling as I’ve done since, it […]
What’s Keeping You Awake?
by Robert Evans Wilson, Jr. The other day on the radio I heard these lyrics from the Shinedown song, If You Only Knew “It’s 4:03 and I can’t sleep… I toss and turn like the sea.” I thought, “Yeah, why is it always 4AM that I wake up when I’m worried about something?” The singer of this top 10 pop rock song […]
Achieving Greatness: The Value of Association
By Don Yaeger “You’ll be amazed by what you can achieve when you surround yourselves with those headed in the same direction.” Association leaders and corporate executives have long recognized that great lessons – lessons in leadership, team building, handling adversity, and managing success – can be learned from their peers in the world of sports. This explains why some of the most sought after […]
There are two types of hoses commonly used in concrete pumping: Concrete Delivery Hoses (usually referred to as Double-Ended Hoses), and End Hoses. A concrete delivery hose has a connector on both ends of the hose, while an end hose has a connector on only one end, as shown below. Concrete hoses hanging from a boom can be […]
CFA membership is now more important than ever and we are bringing you this information to begin solidifying your decision and setting the course for your participation to come. Membership in an association like the Concrete Foundations Association, CFA, should be made based on its ability to inspire and contribute to the growth of your company. It is understandable […]
In May of this year, the CFA Management Committee brought you two opportunities for plugging in to inexpensive and highly motivational management seminars online and via teleconference. These presentations were made by nationally-renowned author and conference speaker, Maura Shreier-Flemming. Her books include the recent release of Monday Morning Sales Tips and other effective tools to stimulate improvements to your sales approach […]