You Need To Be A Member — Let’s Help Each Other!

I would like to make a case for CFA membership. Whether you are a current member and thinking about dropping your membership, a past member or thinking about becoming a member; if you are a poured wall contractor CFA is a valuable resource. With the worst economy that most of us will likely ever face, CFA is a resource that can help us survive in […]

Banding Together

According to the IRS, the official definition of an association is: In general, an association is a group of persons banded together for a specific purpose. That leaves a lot of room for interpretation, since associations are formed for an enormous variety of purposes. They also engage in a wide range of initiatives and activities from improving networking […]


A lot of time and energy has been spent recently on trying to identify and communicate member benefits. I think that the CFA staff has done an outstanding job of producing literature and contacting members in order to help them better understand and take advantage of what information and services that the association has to offer. As my term of […]


After wrapping up the CFA Summer Convention in New Mexico, I was extremely impressed with the energy and participation of all the attendees. Thank you’s need to go out to Ed Sauter and Jim Baty for what I believe is the best summer convention I have attended. The content and theme “How to Survive a Down Economy” were timely and meaningful. The energy level and excitement […]


It seems like just the other day I was reading the farewell letter authored by Terry Lavy in Concrete Facts as his term of President of the CFA was expiring. In what seems like the blink of an eye, it is now my turn to do the same. As I step down I am both encouraged and excited about what has been accomplished and […]


I am writing this letter to the membership on a plane going home from the Fall Regional Convention that was held in Columbus Ohio. As I reflect on the conference, there are four topics that stand out for me, quality education, CFA certification exam, captive insurance and what a great group of people CFA members are. First, the quality of the education featured at our first […]

We Are Built of Concrete

Preparing for each issue of Concrete Facts, I have discussed with CFA Staff ideas on the Association calendar and the state of the industry.” Looking at the final issue for 2007 was no different and the message I received from them was one to perhaps offer an inspirational letter about staving off winter and the […]

It’s All About You!

Simply put, strategic planning determines where an organization is going over the next several years, how it is going to get there, and finally determining a system to evaluate and measure the progress. At the recent Strategic Planning Session held in Salt Lake City, the Executive staff, Board of Directors, and numerous other members began […]


When commenting on any CFA Summer Meeting, I feel that it is almost obligatory for me to tell everyone what a huge success it was and that anyone who could not attend really missed out on a great experience. However, in the case of this year’s meeting that was held in Stowe, Vermont, those comments […]

What is TECHNOLOGY? In this

Technology (tek nol’ e je) n. 1. The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, the environment, and POURED WALL CONTRACTORS, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, etc. In this age of constant technological innovation, it is obvious that new products and processes can have a […]