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It seems like just the other day I was reading the farewell letter authored by Terry Lavy in Concrete Facts as his term of President of the CFA was expiring. In what seems like the blink of an eye, it is now my turn to do the same.

As I step down I am both encouraged and excited about what has been accomplished and what is on the horizon for the CFA. One of the most significant projects is the Contractor Certification Program. This initiative probably has more potential to positively impact our association than any other initiative in recent memory. Another area of progress is the recent focus that has been placed on committee organization and structure. This has led to a ramping up of activity and has generated a renewed enthusiasm from the board members as well as many new participation opportunities for the general membership. During the fall of 2007, many CFA members gathered in Salt Lake City for the most recent strategic planning effort. There were a great many initiatives generated during this meeting and all of them centered on the generation of direct member benefits for companies that find the CFA a worthy annual expense. Some of these have been implemented in the form of a new Company Management Education Program featuring the Management Moves series and the technical resource series known as Tech Notes.

I am fiilled with anticipation to see and hear the new ideas and strategies that the committees are working on to further respond to the Strategic Plan as well as even newer concepts. The CFA has developed strong leadership in the industry for the generation of codes and standards. We now need to “take care of our own” and produce successful measures for evaluating and demonstrating why CFA contractors and product manufacturers can make the difference.

It should also be mentioned that over the past two years our industry and the members of our association have been tested and stretched. The state of the home building economy across the United States has had a profound effect on most of our businesses. It has been during these times that I believe the fortitude and resilience of our members has shown brightly. Our membership is made up of some of the hardest working and most determined people I know. As we move forward, our association remains in good hands under the solid and competent direction of Ed Sauter and Jim Baty. Serving alongside of them is the officer core of Dan Bromley, Tim Parrish, and Jim Bartley who are collectively leading a dedicated Board of Directors that tirelessly give of their time and their talents. I have no doubt that this group is more than capable of leading this tremendous association through whatever challenges that lie ahead. I also feel that it would be appropriate to express a special note of gratitude to a few industry leaders who have been particularly helpful by offering insight and wisdom over the past two years. Thank you to Ron Ward, Scott Smith, and Joe Carr for your example, leadership, and encouragement, not only to me but to our entire industry.

All of this also leads me to believe that over the past two years all Americans have gotten much stronger as well. Just think that it was only two years ago a full grown man was needed to carry twenty five dollars worth of gas while today a mere five-year-old can do it! All kidding aside, however, there is no debate that when the residential market returns (and it will) it is companies like the many proud members of the CFA that will stand ready to lead and succeed through the next growth cycle, armed with the knowledge built with hard work during these lean times.

It has always been a pleasure and a privilege participating and serving in the CFA. I am grateful to the association for the opportunities that I have been given and I will cherish the experiences always. Thank you.

Brad Schrock, CFA President, Custom Concrete Company Inc.
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