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Letter from the President

Waging Battles

Dear CFA Members and Associates,

By the time you read this article, we will all have experienced something that has never before happened to any of us. On March 12, 2020, the world changed (seemingly overnight) both in business and socially. I assume we will be feeling the ramifications of this change for some time to come!

First, let me say that I hope all of you are faring well and successfully navigating this tough road. Things are, once again, changing fast politically and in our businesses. Unfortunately, many challenges lie ahead for us. 

Observing the political climate feels like being on a seesaw. Concrete and aggregate pricing continues to rise above inflation levels, the labor pool is tough for various reasons, and most of us are experiencing pricing competition that, at times, defies rational logic! Additionally, the cost of insurance, particularly umbrella coverage, will be an increasing concern.

It is in times like these that we can rely on the CFA and our members for help and guidance. As a group, we need to push harder and further to improve our organization and help each other survive the pressures that impact us, helping us survive and thrive.

To do our part, our board meeting this spring will be held via videoconferencing, due to the coronavirus affecting national meetings and particularly changing the business environment in Chicago. The executive committee made this decision for everyone’s safety and to make sure we participate responsibly amid this pandemic.

I personally wish the best for you, your families and businesses during the challenges of this crisis.

Sincerest regards,

Phillip Marone

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