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Letter From the Director

Spring Will Arrive!

“I am done with winter!” I’ve heard this statement throughout my community, noticed it in most conversations with members and others that use us for our information resources, and seen it plastered across news and social media. Yet, I’m reminded that we have only had six weeks of it. While short, it has been intense, depending on where you are located.

What does post-2019 winter look like? It is filled with a plethora of opportunity. I don’t think there is anything I enjoy more than talking about opportunity – perhaps dreaming up more ways to create opportunity. In this issue of the magazine, we are presenting the entire industry with information on a new resource, Concrete Housing Insight. This is the project of a new CFA consulting member and a name many may recall, David Pfanmiller. With the returning interest, we are now able to pair passion and experience to that interest and help you find a way to truly deliver impactful and effective concrete housing. If you have been struggling to answer the question of how to do it or, even, if you can do it, Concrete Housing Insight is the partner you will want to reach out to.

I’m also passionate about your story. For members, you were recently introduced to our Contractor of the Month campaign and what is happening at Atkins Brothers Concrete Wall, Inc. in Beavercreek, Ohio (who were our first Contractor of the Month). This issue of the magazine features the inspiring story from our Contractor of the Year 2018, Tim Upton of Upton Poured Walls. I am anxious for you to read it and compare it to your walk. You each have a story to tell, and this industry has been built upon story after story of contractors who have persevered, overcome, endured and conquered their giants.

As we begin to see winter turn toward the hope of spring, we also anticipate the success of some of our educational projects. Cranes 101 will be conducting our first Crane Operator Certification Course in Tiffin, Ohio at the headquarters of Irving Equipment (March 13-15), and Euclid Chemical will be hosting the next Rocky Geans Construction Business School (RGCBS-Cleveland, April 4-5). Between those two events lies ACI’s Fall Convention in Quebec City, where the CFA Board of Directors will be meeting and finalizing plans with me on the spectacular Concrete Foundations Convention 2019 in Denver, Colorado (July 25-27). There are, simply, more and more opportunities coming every day.

But still, for most of the contractors in this space, opportunities that are event-based are hard to accommodate. Whether it is time or travel dollars, there are tough decisions to make. That is why CFA continues to create opportunities within the scope of our resources. Our new North American affinity program with Business AdvantEdge offers any CFA member the chance to drive generous discounts in everyday purchasing and services. These savings provide a way for you to set your vision on CFA membership and to engage with our events, places and networks. This will, in turn introduce you to broad solutions and strategies that will help you continue to make your business the best it can be.

Opportunities – that’s what the CFA is about. Pick up the phone or get out your keyboard and make it happen!

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