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Letter from the President: Why We Persevere

This issue’s letter from the CFA Board President:

Why We Persevere


David Martinson
Martinson Construction

I read a history document not long after joining the Board that talked about the original ideas for forming this Association. I found it of great interest to see how we compared today with the ideas such strong industry leaders had back in 1974. The original goal was to build the industry and support individual markets. Back then, you see, a poured concrete wall was still considered a premium, an upgrade, a luxury for a foundation and concrete block was much more common.

I’ve had a chance over my years as a CFA member to be in conversations with some of those leaders and find the strategies and the desires they had so much like we still hold today. I think it comes down to change. Change is not fun, nor is it easy. Yet when change happens after through perseverance and deliberate effort, it is almost certain to prove beneficial and liberating.

As President, I am very pleased to be able to participate in the endorsement of an effort that has finally come to fruition after more than twenty years. This effort is the epitome of such perseverance and I believe is absolutely an example of the type of impact the founding leaders of this Association set out to create. In 1994, the Board of Directors set out to create a standard group plan for insurance. The goal, as I understand from those efforts, was to isolate poured concrete contractors from the general insurance industry in order to establish better risk management and safety guidelines.

After each attempt to identify a company that had both the appetite and the ability to work with such an isolated group, the Board experienced setbacks, failure and restarts…that is, until the winter of 2014. Members of the Concrete Foundations Association, you will soon be receiving an announcement from our staff for the endorsement of the CFA Member Standard Market Insurance Program brokered by Arthur J. Gallagher, a titan in the alternative insurance industry. With it, you have a bright option for your insurance future.

As a CFA contractor member, you should try and take advantage of this new benefit as soon as possible. Contact our staff and they will put you in touch with the team at Gallagher who can develop an insurance quote for you and work through the options for your to pursue. This can make a very large difference in your planning for 2016. They will work with you based on your renewal dates and your needs.

Those of you reading this letter that are not a CFA member, you should also take this time to celebrate. We’ve been encouraging your company to join the CFA for the countless opportunities and advantages. This one alone makes any price of membership seem insignificant. What are you waiting for?

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