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What You Miss When Time Can’t Be Made

Here we are amid the torrid pace of autumn. To most of us it is the 3rd quarter of a very busy year, perhaps the best year even for some. At the CFA, it is the 1st quarter of what our staff and our Board of Directors sees as presenting another opportunity for continued growth and a dramatic change in the benefits that this Association offers to its members. The 1st quarter each year for the CFA is always full of energy as many members return from our largest event, CFA Convention, held this year in Williamsburg, VA. Each year, this event sets the stage for contractors to move forward in their businesses with many cost-saving, profit-building, management- improving and risk-managing concepts invaluable to their goals. Were you one of the fortunate company leaders that attended CFA Convention 2015? While I was able to attend our Board meeting on the front end of this event, my family schedule prevented me from committing to the three-day event of education and networking. It doesn’t happen often and I am certainly torn when it does, but the lingering effects I’ve come to know from missing this time with my peers and the quality education CFA brings us is substantial.

So, what did I miss this year? What did those of you that did not attend miss? For starters, we missed a chance to know more about the hiring prospects and aspects of GenEdge, the generation of upcoming workers that will be imperative to sustain our businesses. We missed the chance to directly know about the current risk management efforts the CFA is undertaking and promoting along with the new standard market insurance program created with A.J. Gallagher for all CFA members throughout North America. We also missed out on legal advice about hiring practices and perhaps even more importantly keeping our most effective and important hires. These are just a few of the big concepts that were delivered this year. How do I know? I have a great relationship with peers that were there who have already begun implementing a dozen or more of the items they picked up from this event. I want to be the first to let you know that this information has not disappeared, however. CFA staff will soon be releasing information to members on how to access some of the key presentations from this year’s event that will be offered as webinars this fall and winter. Embracing technology during our slower construction months to keep this industry informed is just one way CFA is committed to being the voice to and for the industry.

While I may never really know the real cost of not being able to make time for the most important industry event each year, I do know that it further commits me to doing everything possible to make the next one. Things happen and some commitments are unavoidable. They are not to be ignored or apologized for but when at all possible, exposing my company to the real advantage of learning from peers and from our one true education resource, the CFA, is something I am even more convicted to after this year.

Martinson_DaveDavid Martinson
Martinson Construction
CFA President

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