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The Value of Recognition

Welcome to autumn. This is perhaps my favorite time of the year for the concrete industry. We have made it through the heat of summer and there is a hurried sense of activity in preparation for winter. Like the typical CFA member, your company is quite probably as busy as you’ve been all 2015 and that is certainly our hope for you. In the midst of this great sense of busyness, I do want to encourage you to take a moment and read through this quarter’s issue of ‘Concrete Facts’. This magazine continues to be prepared especially for you, a professional cast-in-place concrete contractor. Whether you are a member of the CFA or not, this magazine contains information we believe is pertinent and beneficial to your needs and your goals.

Contained in the pages of this issue is information on the latest professional recognition awards bestowed by the CFA this past Convention. It is no small moment to pause and reward individuals and companies for the great work being done. Whether indicative of the quality operation and commitment to industry or the selfless volunteering and countless hours of leadership poured into this Association, these awards are your industry’s chance to say thank you and to inspire continued activity for all.

I’ve been a member of the American Concrete Institute since the early 90’s. This is not a membership to have as a status symbol, though. To most of us that are ACI members, it is a commitment to forward thinking and development. This spring, ACI awarded me a coveted status as fellow or FACI for the amount of effort I’ve put forth being chair of committees, speaking at conventions, participating in document production and leading future generations. None of this has been done to seek an FACI status and yet, it is one of my most appreciated moments and highest honors received.

It is for this very reason that the CFA Board of Directors worked this past year to broaden the opportunity for recognition, subsequently increasing the number of awards and positions honored at each Convention. An organization does not give awards to toot its own horn but rather honor the significance and commitment of the valued participants found in membership or perhaps even involved tangentially through its structured efforts.

So for this pressing moment, join us in congratulating these recipients of the 2015 CFA Professional Awards. Their efforts have largely helped to establish a new standard and a heightened professionalism for your industry. You too should have opportunities to be recognized for your efforts. Contact me to find out more.

James Baty
CFA Executive Director

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