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This Experience Has Served Me

Isn’t it enjoyable to see good people do good work? We are blessed to have a strong team of impressive individuals at our foundation company. Our team has a nice blend of people in different stages of their lives, and their careers. To be successful, we need a mix of new learners, skilled workers, coordinators, leaders and mentors. Young starters bring untarnished energy and enthusiasm…and some healthy competition. Skilled workers and craftsmen are the athletes that we need to succeed. Leaders and coordinators put them in the right position and optimize the process. Mentors give us vision, guidance and a moral compass.

I have had the pleasure of witnessing similar attributes at the CFA. As a kid, I saw the passion and excitement of the “poured wall pioneers.” When I entered the work force, the CFA became my “concrete college” with rooms full of experts at my disposal. Our company has grown using lots of CFA ideas, and it has been my pleasure to share our experiences with others.

“Serving” on the board and as CFA President doesn’t sound quite right, as the experience has served me. Yes, we have done what we could to add value to our members and advance our industry, but sorry folks…I have to admit that I have taken more than I have given. This has surprised me as I’ve looked back on the experience.

So let me share the secret. Getting involved isn’t really a sacrifice—it’s a benefit. Being active doesn’t really cost you time—it makes you more efficient and productive. Travelling to meet doesn’t really cost you money—it gives you moneysaving ideas.

It is no secret that our industry needs more young starters. Perhaps my next role in my company and at the CFA will be to encourage and share with the younger generation. But I have a feeling I will still get more out of it then what I put in.

See you in Sandusky!

Jim Bartley, Bartley Corp

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