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Robotic Systems for Layout — A Consultant’s View

It has been a while since any of us have even wanted to think about investing in more layout equipment or upgrading the current systems. Here are just a few ideas on the subject and things that you may want to consider:

Trimble 5600 DR200-500x500

1st…Relax, you did it right the first time

Chances are your existing system (Geodimeter/Trimble 5600 systems or equivalent) are still working as well as the day that you bought it, provided that you have done your maintenance, had the internal batteries replaced every two years along with a cleaning, adjustment, and calibration. These systems are total “work horses” and will still work fine for many years to come.

2nd…Am I about to get passed up by new technology?

While the technology of the past has gone through some changes, in my opinion those changes are generally not “earth shattering” and with a few “workarounds” you can still work as productive as ever. Most of the changes have come in resolving software conflicts with newer computer operating systems, communication challenges and generally computer software “fixes”. Your system is still the about the best thing ever introduced for the specific tasks that you do. Although newer technology includes faster tracking systems, different data collection systems with more “bells and whistles” and some other advantages and disadvantages, when it comes right down to it….you’re really not going to increase your productivity very much if any at all. Certainly not enough to justify the cost of upgrading to a new system based purely on technology enhancement.

3rd…Has the Geodimeter/Trimble 5600 systems reached the end of their life cycle?

While the systems still work as well as they did when they were new, the answer to this question is unquestionably “YES”. The 5600 systems are no longer being produced or marketed. Keyboards are very difficult to purchase and parts may be more difficult to get. The instruments, keyboards, batteries etc. can still be fixed as long as parts are available. Chances are good that you will not be buying another one.

4th…What about the value of the instrument today?

If your instrument is in “reasonable” condition, you still have all the required accessories and it is still working, it would probably be worth 10-15k now. For the amount invested in these systems the return has been very good. I would expect to see the value of the instruments continue to drop off more substantially as the markets pick up and more people start replacing their existing systems within the next few years.

5th…What will I have to look forward to when it’s time to upgrade?

The newer systems being introduced by the manufacturers will have some real advantages but also some real disadvantages. Some of the new advantages will include: Radios built into the data collector (no more external radios), faster tracking systems that will maintain lock onto the prism better, the ability to supplement your search routines with GPS ability to reduce the search time. Fewer batteries and cables. Data collectors with more ability on the screen. Better interfacing ability with newer computer operating systems for uploading/downloading files. Best of all… Prices will probably be about 10% lower than the earlier systems.

6th…What will be the disadvantages to upgrading?

The biggest disadvantage will be in the software programs that you are used to running at the keyboard. This industry is simply a small offshoot of the surveying industry, and that is what these systems are designed for. You’ll need to know a bit more about the individual programs in the data collectors. You’ll probably be using about 20% of the capability of the software in the data collector. The configuration of your data collector will change; the age of the removable keyboard is virtually gone. Several of the manufacturers are re-packaging their equipment to try to market through different channels. This is concerning, you will probably see an influx of people that don’t have a clue about what the CFA members do, all trying to sell virtually the same instruments just painted different colors. Remember…one of the most important portions of the technology is the ability to support you the customer. Be careful who you invest with.



Unless there is a compelling reason to “sell off” your current system (or if you’ve just got a bunch of money that you don’t know what to do with) there is really no real advantage to upgrading your systems until business is better. The new systems cannot help you drive a nail or stake faster (and I know that you’re not waiting on the instrument now). The newer instruments will have some very appealing new features and benefits but also there will be some disadvantages. There will be a complete new learning curve introduced. I cannot over emphasize the importance of customer service and support when making an investment of this caliber. You will be in trouble if someone simply tells you that you’ll learn these systems in half a day’s training. Do not buy a system without complete multiple days, in the field and at the computer training.

I express my appreciation to the members of the CFA. Over the past decade there have been over 50 of your companies that have placed your trust in me. Most of you have between 1 and 7 systems within your various companies. I have had the pleasure of selling, training and supporting you. I believe that we’re about a 100% satisfaction record.

I plan on exhibiting one of the new systems at the upcoming summer CFA convention in New Mexico. If possible I would like to chair a roundtable discussion similar to those that we have participated in together in the past, to get your input, share my experience and knowledge and continue to support the CFA.

by Scott Carter

Robotic Surveying Solutions


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