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In this day and age of recessed (or depressed) economies, reduced margins and management stress, a new era of connectedness and networking has blossomed in the CFA. When the going was really good, members shared openly and frequently about the great new technologies they had acquired or the new process that they were successfully implementing. These were discussions that offered a lot of promise and excitement to anyone involved. Those sharing opportunities, however, have seemingly developed a much stronger desire for networking that members are now testing in a new way.

There is no secret that since the creation of this Association, the first and foremost goal has been to create an environment for open sharing. ” is “sharing network” goal has been one where members can test their business initiatives and management strategies as they seek to strengthen the core business and develop diversified interests.

Today, we see this very goal playing out stronger than it has been in many years. The primary difference is that networking is now taking off through the medium of the Internet. Travel budgets are lower and time is more precious in each of your businesses. Eventually you will re-discover the unparalleled advantages of face-to-face networking. However, until that time comes (might I suggest this year’s Summer Convention as a plausible time frame) let’s get you updated on the power that is available at your fingertips.

LinkedIn has been discussed in this magazine several times over the past two years. We’ve even provided step-by-step instructions for creating an account and connecting to our groups (Volume 16, Issue 4 – 2009). ” is article is not going to provide you with those instructions again, you can resource through our online edition or with the past copy you likely have in your reference binders supplied with your membership. This article aims to show you some of the latest discussions taking place at LinkedIn CFA Members, our private members-only group, and to ask one question…why haven’t you joined?

What you need right now is a way to connect with your peer group, guaranteed and refined by investment in the CFA. ” is must be quick, available on your time and flexible to discuss what is of interest to you or that, which is challenging you at the moment.

CFA LinkedIn Discussion Group is now open to the WEB

CFA recently switched the CFA LinkedIn Discussion Group to an open discussion group. All future discussions will be fully visible, searchable, and shareable on the Web. All past discussions are now closed in a members-only archive. Future discussions are now joining the broader conversation of the wider Web.

As a note, CFA Members is still a Member-Only group that is joined by request and approved based on membership in the Concrete Foundations Association. Discussions that you are interested in starting and reserved for comment by CFA members should be issued there.

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