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Social Networking At Work For You Through the CFA

If you spend much time on the Internet, it will not take you long to see how many opportunities there are for joining online groups, be it social or business related. This is the new wave sweeping the world and drawing our large planet together into an ever-tightening world market and social environment. Whether you deem this to be a good thing or a pressure point you are trying to avoid, there are some quality decisions that you can make that will directly benefit your business.

The CFA has joined the hosts of these “social” networking groups in an attempt to provide forum activity for the general public directly related to the business of concrete foundations. Through the network site “Linkedin”, found at, the CFA has already attracted more than 100 members to the network group known as “Concrete Foundations”. See Figure 1 at top right.

As stated in the profile information for this group, it provides “an opportunity to broaden horizons, improve discussions and maintain a focus on connecting through more efficient and economical means”. We know that our business does not put us in the same place and time as so many others that serve as valuable resources and sounding boards to our ideas. Therefore, the opportunity Linkedin provides is one where you can participate and think at your own pace. This is a group that we’ve opened to the general public by request, to further encourage companies to find value in the CFA for the power of our networking. See Figure 2 at right middle.

Take, for instance, the log of discussions that has been started. As Technical Director, you will find periodic postings from me related to issues that have come to us by email or phone. You will also find thoughts on a meeting or resource information about a recent newsworthy item. This is your chance to add your thoughts in the discussion thread and see what others are saying about these topics. See Figure 3 at right bottom.

One of the benefits of being a CFA member, though goes a step further. We have also created a subgroup called “CFA Members”. Although this is a very new group, it is a chance for you to participate in a controlled environment where only approved members of active CFA companies will be allowed (or kept) in.

What is a burning question you have about employee relations? How do you develop your scope of work? What are your warranty characteristics? This is a way for you to communicate in cyberspace through regular participation and handle the time lag that exists in the complex schedules of today’s members.

In an economic crunch such as we’ve never seen, there are very economical ways for you to leverage the already known value of your CFA membership. Maybe you can’t get to a meeting. Perhaps you don’t have time to read all of our literature or pick up a phone and contact CFA headquarters for a recommendation.

However, if you have a computer, you can quickly establish a free account like Linkedin and begin using this networking vehicle to bring you results. We are committed to growing the participation and the relevance of these opportunities and thus CFA membership. You need to join us.

What does the future hold? For starters, we will soon be adding technical blog updates through twitter to bring more recognition to the technical issues and real solutions created in our industry. We will also be hosting a YouTube video site and encouraging you to participate in helping us demonstrate to the world how effective and superior concrete walls are, both as foundations and as above-grade enclosures.

Want to know more? Please contact me at any time by phone at 866-232-9255 or by email at

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