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Introducing ‘Management Moves’

Over the past year, our Management Committee has been working hard to develop the content for a new series of information products that deliver tips and tricks we all use for the management of our businesses. Attend one CFA event and the first thing you realize is how much collective business expertise exists between the companies of this Association, and yet, we all approach things differently.

We realize that not everyone has the budget to attend events regularly and given the size of our market, it is difficult to get to each region on a frequent basis to make attendance to even one event easy. Therefore, expanding our membership services has been a primary motivation of the CFA Board in recent months.

This month, CFA staff has enclosed the first three editions of MANAGEMENT MOVES dedicated to CFA members sharing ways of improving characteristics of our businesses. It is our hope that through this product, you are compelled to share ideas you have successfully implemented in your own business to continue growing the impact the CFA has and further building the value of CFA membership.

Please take the time to read through these and if you have any ideas that you have had and implemented that have helped you get through some tough situations please feel free to contact CFA headquarters to discuss putting your valuable information to use. Together we can continue building CFA member companies into the top functioning foundation businesses in the country.

I hope you enjoy this series!

David B. Martinson, CFA Management Committee Chair, CFA Board of Directors

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