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Association is a Resource For YOU

It is truly an honor to have the opportunity to lead the Concrete Foundation Association during this next two-year period. It has been my privilege to be a part of this organization for the past twenty years. My affiliation with this group has given me the opportunity to grow from a business standpoint for sure, but more importantly it has afforded me the opportunity to meet some of the finest people in the world and even develop life long friendships with many of them.

I would like to recognize and thank our out-going President, Terry Lavy. We would be hard pressed to find a person who has been more energetic, active, and genuinely committed to moving the Association forward. His direct involvement on many specific issues and initiatives will have a permanent impact on our industry. One of the reasons that Terry has been so appreciated throughout the CFA is because of his humble, hard working approach that is so representative of the membership of the CFA. Thank you, Terry, for your leadership and your friendship.

This is an exciting time to be a part of the CFA. I believe that the Association has more to provide to the membership than ever before. Your Board of Directors is hard at work with an agenda that is focused not only on historical issues such as how to properly pour a wall and how to construct the best foundation possible; but also on how to operate and manage an efficient, profitable, and successful contracting business. The vision is for each member to look to the CFA as the primary resource to provide assistance and guidance in finding real business solutions.

I would like to encourage each of you to evaluate your own personal involvement with the Association. Not only are there worthy opportunities for you to “serve”, but there are real opportunities available for you to improve your business. Forging relationships with other contractors and associates has a proven track record of success!

Take advantage of your opportunity!

Brad Schrock, CFA President, Custom Concrete Company Inc.

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