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National Associates Take a Bow!!

The Concrete Foundations Association is made up primarily of contractor members, but one group of members who constantly step to the plate to add value to the Association are our National Associate members. Without them, all of our events would be more expensive and less informative; our magazine would be much smaller and black and white (remember what it looked like 10 years ago); and, life would be much harder for the CFA staff.

There has been a steady succession of associate members serving on the Board since I became involved in 1992 and each one of them takes their involvement seriously. They staff and chair committees; they serve as resources and referrals for questions and problems brought to our attention by members and non-members alike; and, they regularly contribute to our financial stability through advertisements in the newsletter, exhibiting, and sponsorships at our winter and summer meetings. They also provide expertise and content for stories, seminars, and a host of other needs of the membership.

This summer’s meeting is no exception. The Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells is close to several of our national associate members and they are rolling out the welcome mat. We anticipate at least 35 of our national associates to exhibit this summer. If things come together, we will have not only outdoor exhibits but some outdoor demonstrations as well.

It could be argued that venues such as our summer meeting are weak when compared with the World of Concrete and other large trade shows, but the focus and intimacy of our summer meetings is something you can not get at the large trade shows.

There are benefits to our relatively small group for both the associates and the contractors. For the associates, they get feedback on new products from a select group of the best and most innovative contractors in the country. They also solidify and build on relationships that have been initiated on more formal terms.

The contractors, on the other hand, can get to know the company sales force and products without the distractions of Las Vegas or Orlando, competing seminars, or the need to see 250 other exhibitors before the end of the day. They can ask, and the sales people answer questions that simply take too much time at the larger venues.

There are also plenty of opportunities to interact with associates as well as other contractors at our social events. Some great deals have been “cemented” on the golf course. Of course, a few others have been brought into question after a Karaoke performance.

The summer meeting is built around families, which is appropriate given the number of our members who operate family businesses. If you haven’t made your reservations yet for this summer’s meeting, now is the time to do so. Otherwise you will miss a great opportunity.

Ed Sauter, Executive Director, CFA

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