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From the (ex) President

As this magazine reaches you, I am winding down my two year gig as the President of this wonderful group of people and companies. It is hard to believe that it has been two years, but the calendar says it is true.

I am reminded of an event several years ago when a good friend and all around great person, John Ball, made the decision to resign from our Board. John was starting a new business and did not feel that he could devote the proper focus to the Board while trying to organize his new company. John announced his resignation and said “I leave having taken away much more than I have given”. These words have stuck with me ever since, because they are spot on the mark! I have never felt that I was serving this group as much as I should be, and certainly not enough to pay back for what I have gained.

In the Wisconsin Dells, you will elect someone to lead this group for the next two years, and in looking at the slate of candidates I know you can’t possibly go wrong. Your Board is made up of some truly grand folks that are committed to seeing our industry, our association and your business grow and prosper. They serve by participating in four meetings a year, sharing their viewpoints, their experiences and expertise. They gain from associating with each other and all the other members of this group. Almost every year, there is an opening on the Board, and there is always room to participate in one of the committees. Why don’t you let Ed or Jim know where your interests lie, and how you can help us most? Why don’t you see what you can gain?

I am proud that my name will be added to the list of Past Presidents. I am proud because it is a list of truly good people, whom have had the chance to serve a great association. I am humbled to be added to this list.

Thank you for that chance.

Terry Lavy, CFA President, Lavy Concrete Construction Inc.

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