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Most Valuable Technology In Concrete


Concrete Construction Magazine polled the top 100 concrete contractors: “What is the most valuable new technology?” (in concrete) Here are the results:

1. New admixtures; highperformance concrete
2. New flooring and shoring systems
3. Maturity Testing
4. Riding trowels—bigger, better, faster
5. New layout equipment; GPS systems
6. Computerized payroll and management systems’
7. Membership in ASCC
8. Internet use for the relaying plans and specs
9. Uniform-thickness, posttensioned slabs on grade
10. Steel fiber in floors
11. 4-D CAD models
12. Adjustable radius formwork
13. Somero’s new Copperhead laser screed
14. Polished concrete
15. Stringless paving technology
16. Variety of stains, dyes, other coloring agents
17. Pervious concrete
18. New containment systems for washout and slurry

Source: ‘Concrete Construction

Magazine’, July 2004


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