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CFA Members Hone Presentation Skills for Foundation Seminar

The National Homebuilders Show, with the assistance of CFA members, has introduced a seminar on residential cast-in-place foundations to educate builders on the details of building basements. It has been presented in Kalamazoo, MI and Minneapolis, MN and is currently undergoing final review.

The next step in the delivery of the seminar is developing a pool of trained presenters for the program. In order to deliver the NAHB program, presenters must undergo a daylong training program, “Train the Trainer,” and successfully complete this half-day foundation seminar. Culminating with recently completed seminars in Minneapolis, the CFA has seventeen qualified presenters from several regions of the US.

The NAHB-sponsored daylong “Train the Trainer” course covered basic principals of learning and presenting and included interactive exercises and concluded with a critiqued five-minute presentation. In addition to the Minneapolis meeting, members completed the course in January at the Home Builder’s Show and the World of Concrete.

The foundation course has segments on soil, excavation, footings, foundation walls, waterproofing, and troubleshooting. It will be listed in the NAHB Catalog of seminars offered through local HBA’s for the education of their members. Make sure you ask your local HBA if they would consider offering the course.

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