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W.O.C. 2005 Wrap-up

Like most of you, I have had some experience with the World of Concrete shows. I’ll date myself by admitting that I attended my first in Dallas 1981, and later in Atlanta 1989. So with a perspective that spans 24 years, I can tell you they just keep getting more and more amazing.

This year’s show was no exception. It looked to me like attendance was an all-time high, the exhibitors had the proper gleam in their eyes, and the aisles were full of great gadgets, equipment and innovative ideas.

I have always said that a person only has to come home with one good idea to pay for the trip, (some heavy gamblers may need two or three ideas) I always come home with several.

By far, the best part is getting to spend time with all of you, getting to know you better, and getting the opportunity to discuss our ideas, problems, failures and most of all… our victories. If a contractor can’t sit down and talk to two or three people in the same business, and not come away with a few good ideas, he just isn’t paying attention. I enjoyed working the booth for just that reason. The CFA party at the Hofbrauhaus Las Vegas was a great event by anyone’s standard. The overwhelming attendance challenged the hall capacity and made finding a seat and carrying on a conversation a bit tricky, but illustrated the success of our organization. Most attendees loved it, but some had constructive complaints. For those that didn’t like the format, the crowd, or the German food, we apologize – we will find a bigger, quieter room next year. My hat goes off to the CFA staff – I don’t know how you could do a better job at planning these events given that you must make decisions a year in advance. Thanks for all of your hard work.

We had full intention of thanking our many sponsors at the Party. Unfortunately the Banners arrived after most of the guests, and we could never get you to hear us on the P.A system.

Terry Lavy, CFA President, Lavy Concrete Construction Inc.

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