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From the Executive Director

The Concrete Foundations Association Board of Directors and several members met in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Friday, April 16th for a strategic planning session to chart a course for future growth of the CFA. The most recent meeting of similar scope occurred in 1998. Membership in the CFA is at a record high of 347 members (261 contractor members) but for the past four or five years the number of members has slightly grown.

The debate during the daylong meeting included discussions as to how we overcome the “good ole boy” stigma (this is hardly an accurate description); whether or not we truly represent the industry; to whether or not we really want to grow. The consensus of the board was that we should be the representative of the poured wall industry. Some estimates put the total number of potential contractor members in the thousands. If this is truly the case, a total contractor membership of 261 members hardly constitutes a good representation.

We are extremely proud of our existing members. When CFA members spoke at ACI code development meetings over the past years telling of how contractor members perform their work, many of the ACI committee members echoed that they wished foundation contractors in their area were members of the CFA. Therein lies the constant challenge. How do we get members to join the CFA if they are not involved in our national activities?

We think we finally have the answer. The national CFA was approached, almost simultaneously, by two groups in different parts of the country who either had, or were planning, local poured wall associations. Both would like the national CFA to add programming, publications, and many of the other benefits.

The Board of Directors approved the development of local Chapters to the CFA. Local chapter members will have all benefits of CFA national members and the CFA will develop programs and support the efforts of the local group. Many details have yet to be worked out but the first two CFA affiliates, Minneapolis and Atlanta, could pave the way to make the CFA a truly national representative association.

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