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CFA Presents 2002 Contractor of the Year Award

The Concrete Foundations Association (CFA), an organization dedicated to improving the quality and acceptance of cast-in-place concrete foundations, recently presented its 2002 Contractor of the Year Award to David Martinson.

Martinson, Vice President of Martinson Construction of Waterloo, Iowa, is known throughout the industry as a hard worker constantly striving for perfection. An active member and supporter of the CFA since 1993, Martinson’s selection for this award recognizes his commitment to promoting the benefits of the poured wall industry through use of the newest technologies.

According to Ed Sauter, executive director of CFA, “Martinson’s commitment to his business, family, and community, and his constant goal of perfection, made him a natural choice for the CFA Contractor of the Year.”

The annual award recognizes the contributions of a poured wall contractor to the industry. This year’s award was presented at the CFA Winter Meeting held at Bonnie Springs, Nev. on Feb. 4.

As the third generation in the business, Martinson has developed the 53-year-old company to be the largest concrete contractor in the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area, an area that now boasts a total of 90 percent cast-in-place basement construction. The company completes 275 to 300 foundations per year and has a significant amount of commercial business. Specializing in residential and commercial work, they have a staff of two wall and footing crews, as well as flat work crews and waterproofing employees.

Dedicated to integrating the latest technology into his business, Martinson owns a Telebelt, boom truck and is the first user of the Geodimeter Total Station in Iowa. He is quick to credit his CFA membership for his company’s technological advancements.

“I learned about all the latest technologies from fellow members,” said Martinson. “This has propelled us ahead of our competition, because we are the only contractor in our area using computerized technology.”

Martinson was both surprised and honored to receive this award. “With so many great contractors in the CFA, it is a tremendous honor to be chosen for this award.” He also believes this award is a recognition of the efforts from the entire Martinson Construction team to provide high quality work while keeping customer service as the top priority.

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