Letter From the Director

Thoughts From My Desk… “You are simply not going to believe it.” This is the phrase I have been using regularly as I talk with many of you reading this magazine, whether you are a CFA member, or one of the many companies across this great country to whom I have the privilege of casting […]
Letter from the President

Hello CFA Contractor and Associate Members! With the close of 2018 almost here, I view this as the perfect time to offer some thoughts regarding our businesses and our association. It seems that each year brings new challenges and that running our businesses takes more of our time and energy. Even in a good economy, […]
Concrete Foundations Association Announces New Member Benefit – Savings4Members

CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES NEW MEMBER BENEFIT SAVINGS4MEMBERS Mount Vernon, IA November 30, 2018 – The Concrete Foundations Association (CFA) – the recognized voice and authority for the cast-in-place concrete industry, has entered into a relationship with Business AdvantEdge, Inc., to begin saving member organizations thousands of dollars annually simply by maintaining an active CFA […]
Letter from the Director: Endings Really Are New Beginnings

Over the last few months I have been reminded time and time again of the impact companies and leaders in this Association have had on the blueprint for this industry and the legacy they have left behind. I have such vivid memories of leaders like Ron Colvin (p.17, 19), a former president of the CFA, […]
Letter from the President: Business Does Not Change Effectiveness

It has been a very busy year for both our company and the association. We left the summer meeting with renewed enthusiasm for our business and, equally important, enthusiasm for subject areas the CFA needed to address. We live in an ever-changing world, and I have come to realize and understand the need to […]
Give A Little, Learn A Lot

There is something to be said for those who take the time and energy to go out of their way to help somebody in need, even more so for those who are able to ask for help when it is needed. Oftentimes the benefits of helping others are not always tangible, and it is that […]
Around The Association

It’s been a busy start to 2017 in this industry and certainly throughout CFA membership. After a very productive and energy-packed World of Concrete, there have been some great developments and challenging progress made that we are proud to report on. New Members Everyone is encouraged by the growth of the Association. When a new […]

This contractor believes that industry involvement is the key to success. By Zack Zerndt: As published by Concrete Construction Magazine. As a builder who had difficulty finding a concrete contractor who could install foundations when he needed them, Dennis Purinton took matters into his own hands. Purinton Builders Inc. opened in 1984 and his son, Michael, […]
What’s In Your Wallet?

Another round of Capital One commercials are streaming across every form of my media these days. While I enjoy seeing the newest way to get (or prevent) a point across, it did give me a reason this week to pause and contemplate what it means for our industry. Seriously, what’s in your wallet (if I […]
Privileged To Serve

I am honored to be the new President of the CFA and I thank everyone for all the support I have received. In the next two years I hope to be able to share some of the knowledge I have amassed over the last 32 years, much of that directly due to becoming actively involved as a member of the CFA. Why is it so important to be a CFA member? The […]