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Professionalism Recognized by Peers CFA Announces 2024 Professional Awards

Among the truest statements of any career is the adage, “It is not about what you know but rather who you know.” While this phrase is profound, one of its limiting factors is that it only covers knowledge. True, knowledge is power; yet in the Concrete Foundations Association, perhaps the most telling proof of someone’s impact is that of their service and their commitment to the betterment of an industry. This perspective is fitting when looking at this year’s nominations and professional awards.

Taking place offshore for the first time, #CFACON24 was held in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico in mid-July. This was another year of attendance growth and high energy. At this location, the Concrete Foundations Convention offered one of the most unique environments for the second-largest convention attendance in post-Recession history. Those who took a chance on getting away to work on their business (rather than constantly tunneling into their business) found an array of helpful and inspirational messages, fresh perspectives on integrating technology, and, for many, an unparalleled backdrop for relaxed expansion of business relationships. This year, we brought back the Awards Gala as the opening of the Convention. Keynote speaker, Jorge “Pepe” Izquierdo, a professional engineer and former president of the American Concrete Institute, welcomed the attendees to the great island of Puerto Rico and invited them to engage with the rich history of concrete found there. Then CFA’s executive director, James Baty, took the stage to unveil the exciting selections for winning projects and professionals as evaluated by the voting membership of the Association. Be sure to spend time with the astounding category-winning project awards on page 30 in this issue. What makes this part of the evening all the more special is the recognition of leaders, where we award members who have been making a difference across the landscape of Association opportunities.





Accepting the 2nd consecutive Golden Tie Award during the Awards Gala, pictured L-R with Skye Kelley – CFA staff, are Tom Carkhuff, Evan Resetar, Jim Aylward, Brian Ward and Chris Ward

Introduced in 2023, the Golden Tie Membership Development Award recognizes the member who has put in the most effort toward growing the Association’s network. Members participate are in the best position to recognize other companies that should be members.  Therefore, this program uses a strategy of identifying, inviting, and participating in maintaining contact, encouraging any member to consider those companies in their market or whom they do business that might be an ideal fit to be a member. Working with CFA staff, the prospects who become members align themselves with the CFA and add to the special environment this Association holds for the cast-in-place concrete industry. Recalling inspiration from the immediate past CFA president, Jason Ells, executive vice president for Custom Concrete of Westfield, Indiana: “As much as a rising tide raises all ships, this award recognizes any member who brings membership to the table.” The second year of this competition saw a significant increase in participation from national associates, consultants, and contractor members alike. Nevertheless, this year’s second-time winner was bound and determined to not give up the crown.

Western Forms of Kansas City, Missouri, tallied the highest point total, significantly growing their total from the preceding year and outpacing some tough competition to become the first repeat. Reminded of the motivational message offered last year by the company’s vice president, Chris Ward, the Western team took the stage to proudly challenge others to equal the company-wide approach to this effort. Congratulations to Chis Ward, Brian Ward, Jim Aylward, Evan Resetar, and Tom Carkhuff.





Lori and Densil Mills accepting this year’s Kick-Start Member of the Year during the Awards Gala at CFACON24

Occasionally, the first time around does not hit the mark, and another try is necessary to prove how valuable joining an organization can be. Whether defined by the very first steps of membership or by retracing these steps, the Kick-Start Member of the Year recognizes companies that show how diving in, exploring networking, interacting with others, and experiencing the vast array of support and resources can be beneficial to the goals of their companies. This is at the heart of the award that honors the intentional exploration of the professional network found in the Concrete Foundations Association.

Having joined in 2018, Mills Foundations admits having been a relatively stagnant member, simply paying dues to the Association. When the market challenged them, a membership lapse seemed appropriate. However, after a brief hiatus, Kevin Mills was determined to return, and, this time, to do something with it. Since that decision, there has not been a CFA opportunity where Mills has not had representation. Between BPG calls, conventions, executive retreats, and networking at Foundation Contractors’ Night, someone from the Mills Foundation team (including Kevin, his brother Densil, and occasionally Kevin’s son or daughter) has brought contributions and taken away value. The Board recognizes that Mills Foundations exemplifies the type of contractor member the CFA seeks, one that is passionate about learning from others and is able to confidently share their own experiences.





Receiving this year’s National Associate award, John Paesano and his wife, Cathy, during the CFACON24 Awards Gala

Recognizing that commitment to the organization and contributions come in many forms, the Association has maintained an award specifically honoring the National Associate membership category. These are companies that, at a minimum, work in multiple regions across the United States, manufacturing, distributing, and servicing the catalog of products and equipment that cast-in-place contractors require. While it is certain that companies come to the Association first to pursue brand value and product growth, this award seeks those companies that find parallel value and energy in being part of change. The Associate of the Year honors one of the many National Associate members (company or individual) for their commitment to supporting and growing the Association. Their efforts are to be recognized in relationship to the mission and purpose of the CFA as well as their presence in the industry. National Associate members are the national supplier and manufacturer members of the Association and can be found in the CFA’s active Products and Services Directory.

Having been part of the membership growth initiative during the COVID years, John Paesano of White Cap honed a vision of how to strategically encourage growth and participation across all membership categories. Since joining the CFA Board as one of the three National Associate representatives, John has championed the priority he sensed was needed in the Association: more companies talking with more companies. He has been a strong influence in establishing the Golden Tie Award and the recently launched Preferred Supplier membership program, both aimed at membership growth and participation. Furthermore, he is committed to introducing the CFA across the catalog of brands White Cap carries, and he diligently works with CFA staff to make sure every conversation results in a follow-up effort to convince them to join, leading to many new members. John Paesano has become a force in growing the availability of technology, focus, and conversation for the CFA Contractor member as well as bettering the market for the companies that feed the industry.

“You would have to work hard to find a more considerate yet confident voice speaking affirmation into the Board of Directors,” said James Baty. “At a time when the Association must rely more and more on relationships amidst the noise of opportunity and pulls on attention and resources, John has been a stalwart for what the CFA stands for and how best to represent that. His undying support and tenacity are a large part of the reason why membership growth along with the richness of opportunity has been so successful.”





Pictured from left-to-right: Stephen Berardi, Luis Chavez, Miguel Gonzalez, Federico Garcia Barrera, Jorge Cedillo Guzman, Devin Bundy, Mario Escalante, Gustavo Tena Gamboa, Tyler Wood

The cast-in-place concrete industry represents one of the most historic methods of construction.  One of the more challenging aspects of such long-standing industry is the act of maintaining the energy of innovation. Therefore, one role that associations have is to maintain the encouragement and recognition of practices and systems evolving. New technology in the form of computers, programs, advanced mechanics or logic, equipment, and even processes themselves are the evidence of innovative solutions. Often initiated by contractors themselves, tapping experience and creativity allows the industry to find better ways without significant capital investment or expense. The Spirit of Innovation for the Innovative Contractor of the Year Award recognizes an individual or company for developing, creating, or instituting new concepts across a broad spectrum of business categories, including construction, management, and marketing.

This year’s recipient was nominated by industry advocate Ernie Jessup of the CFA member organization, Concrete Forms Services (EZ-Footing). Jessup said, “I have had the pleasure of dealing with McClure Concrete for seventeen years. Their operation utilizes every conceivable advantage in terms of innovations, from fleet tracking and the latest bid software, to total stations, lasers, and of course the most advanced forming systems. Their commitment to innovative technology makes it possible to continually better themselves, enhance productivity, and provide the best product available.”

“McClure is not only an example of innovation for the industry, but they are also a fascinating case study for impact to this Association early in their membership,” said Baty. “Considering that they activated their membership just this year but had already been impacting the marketplace and Association peers for decades demonstrates why the Association is benefitting right now from relationships.” Service to the industry and pride in their work is part of the McClure story, which ties in well with their experience and innovation. “We build houses,” said Devin Bundy, company owner. “We are the start of somebody’s future, and I take pride in driving around and seeing all the houses that we’ve helped pour.”





In attendance to receive this year’s prestigious Contractor of the Year Award, company president, Ken Kurszewski along with his wife, Veronica and their daughter

The CFA’s most frequently awarded recognition is the Contractor of the Year award. This recognizes the industry contributions of a poured-wall contractor and often evidences the efforts they make beyond their company’s location and position to benefit the greater goals of the Association and the industry. This award demonstrates the service, technology, and knowledge needed to advance the use of poured-wall construction. The recipient is acknowledged for unselfish commitment to peers, to the Association, and to the industry both at their market level as well as on a national scale.

Nominated by two different active members, this year’s recognition is given to Ken Kurszewski, president of Hottmann Construction. Having served on the Board of Directors for multiple terms and now stepping into his new role as vice president for the Board, Ken has been a strong advocate for moving his company deeper into the Association. Jim Aylward of Western Forms said, “Ken is constantly looking for ways to grow and improve his business. As a company, they work together to find ways of being more efficient, utilizing new technologies, and learning about the industry movements outside of their market.” Ken and the Hottmann team have contributed much time, talent, and resources to the Association. Footage from the ground-breaking workforce development video was contributed from their own corporate “sizzle reel,” and you can frequently identify Ken willing to help others in the business with questions and information.

Further testimony for this recognition came from the relatively new participant, Jimmy Ingman of Progressive Foam, a National Associate member company. Ingman said, “[The folks] at Hottmann Construction have been innovators for years in Wisconsin in poured-wall concrete applications. Hottmann has always pushed for better walls in residential construction, [but] more importantly, [they have] invested in its people through an extensive training program that allows team members to come aboard and learn at the right pace. The use of a training crew that has experienced members training new members in the field at a slower pace allows for success out of the gate. The results are evident in the field with great foundations and an ever-expanding business platform.”

Ken Kurszewski was on hand at CFACON24 to receive this award and offered humble yet motivational words to the assembly. With his young daughter at his side, he talked about the present and the future of this Association and encouraged his peers to continue seeking new ways to bring the CFA deeper into their organizations and not to hold back from exploring ways their knowledge might benefit the lives and efforts of others. This is the heart of the CFA he has found, and he is thankful to be part of this leadership moment.





Nate Salter receiving his award at CFACON24, pictured with Member Engagement staff, Skye Kelley

Research, program development, resource contribution, educational leadership, and impactful industry advancement are all descriptors that support the recognition several members have received from the Association in the more than a decade of identifying excellence.  The Most Valuable Player Award (MVP) is occasionally awarded to a person who has worked the hardest to advance poured concrete foundations through research, pioneering spirit, and market challenge. This award, established by the CFA Board of Directors in 2009 is bestowed when the opportunity arises to merit work for which the Association or the industry can grow.

During CFACON24 in Puerto Rico this summer, Nate Salter of Mint Drone Shots received an MVP Award.  Nate’s work has been featured in numerous environments curated by CFA for the elevation of craftmanship and quality performance from the membership.  Perhaps most importantly, Salter has developed a reputation for “making concrete sexy again” as he works with an increasing number of CFA members in the northeastern U.S. using his artistic eye for photography and videography. “Behind the lens of his camera or from hundreds of feet in the air by remote, Nate has significantly elevated the perception of concrete construction,” stated James Baty, CFA’s Executive Director, during the awards ceremony. “The storylines he creates are quickly becoming the marketing advantage these contractors need in a market typically described by undercut profits and time/material scopes of work. He sees the energy, passion, and creativity of a workforce whose final product is almost always lost to the advancing schedule.  These deserve to be told, and through his lenses, they are becoming the future of marketing for this centuries-old construction method.”

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