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Repositioning Your Anchor

Staying calm and focused during times of stress, challenge, and change.

By Mary C. Kelly,

People who have not spent much time on boats or ships are often surprised to learn that the boat’s anchor does not hold it in place. The anchor is not tied to the bottom of the ocean. The anchor is dropped and positioned, and the weight of the chain is what keeps the boat from drifting away.

Boat anchors are checked and repositioned when the tides, winds, and drifting causes the boat to move. Sometimes the anchor gets snagged on coral or debris, and when the crew goes to pull the anchor up, it can get stuck. In this case, the boat must be repositioned to release the anchor from the unseen hazard. What is normally a tool of stability, and a valuable part of the ship, becomes a challenge, so the anchor must be repositioned.

Sometimes we need to evaluate our sense of stability and reposition where we are, like repositioning a boat’s anchor. The practice of repositioning allows us to decrease stress, increase focus, and ignore irritations. Here are four ways to stay grounded and focused, regardless of the situation.

  1. Breathe!
    During times of stress or irritation, it is natural to take shallow breaths. To anchor in the moment, pay attention to your breathing. Make a conscious effort to breathe in slowly and deeply, following the path of your breath with your mind. Feel the air [move your body as it moves] through your body. Breathe out slowly and gently, again paying attention to the movement of your body as air passes through it. Concentrate on feeling a subtle energy shift of calm.
  2. Check in with your five senses
    If you are finding it a little tricky to access your inner peace or you are distracted, try the five senses check-in. Make a conscious decision to disconnect from distractions and focus your awareness, one sense at a time, on what you can see, feel, hear, smell, and taste in that moment. This grounds you in the present moment by making you more aware of what is impacting your space. This can be especially helpful when you feel stressed or harried.
  3. Mind like water
    Take every opportunity that comes your way to practice being calm, especially during a crisis, when others are feeling frantic. Being calm puts us in a place where we control our mental and physical reactions during challenging moments. Some people find it helpful to picture the surface of a calm body of water and think, “mind like water.” Great times to practice this are times when you might feel frustrated and impatient, like waiting in line or sitting in traffic. Put a half-smile on your face and remind yourself to remain calm.
  4. Use repositioning techniques to create thinking space
    No matter how busy you are, you can use repositioning techniques to build more space into your day. Before you send an email, take time to breathe, notice your breath, then decide if you want to send the email.

Choose to ignore or switch off your devices. Schedule five-minute breaks to reposition between activities and projects. Practice being present around other people. Give other people your full attention and respect, and you will have more meaningful and productive conversations.

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