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Letter from the Director – It’s Convention Time!


The flurry of emails, the flashy new mailer, the social media blitz and even the new App signal that it is Convention time. In actuality, it is never not Convention time around this office. Convention is what we think about all year long. We begin planning next year’s

event even before we have the content solidified for this year. We negotiate with hotels and venues sometimes three years out in order to secure the right space and number of rooms to insure cost-efficiency and our presence on site. In the end, Convention remains the single largest reason this Association has been successful.

When I think of the conversations that I have had with those not attending, either leading up to Convention or following back from one, the most consistent reason is, “I simply can’t see myself taking off three to four days to have a vacation when we are in the midst of our busiest season.” I get that. I often think about the vacation that I put into the mix each and every year as we head down the stretch toward Convention. And yet, time and time again I hear contractors claim how much more money they made by attending Convention than they would have made by staying home in the grind. Clearly a dichotomy of opinion, and the differing views is a measure of experience.

You simply cannot put a label, a value on or even comprehend taking time for you and your business until you have done it. Once you have, you really can’t imagine why it took you so long to commit to it. Don’t see this as a statement I am supposed to make because my job is to promote your event — it is the real truth. Your mind, your body, your company, your crews, and even your customers stand to gain from a commitment to taking some time off. When I unplug for a week each summer, it is my chance to recharge my commitment to you, this Association, and this industry. When you accept the challenge or take the risk of getting on a plane Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning, flying to Utah for our Thursday night kick-off bash, you are setting the stage for investing in your business like never before, as well as finding a place to recharge your own batteries. We take care of the relaxation and stimulate different ways of thinking while you contribute much of the content and the value by sharing with each other.

As summer starts into the fullness of its swing, if you are reading this as a CFA member with years of experience, one of our newest companies to join/rejoin or you are one of the thousands of industry participants to whom we send this magazine free of charge, my wish for you is that you will take a risk right now. Don’t put your company on hold; put it in the hands of those you already trust each and every day to run things the right way. They will be stronger because you have shown them your confidence. You will be better because “iron sharpens iron.” Your company will realize newness in ways you have never stopped to imagine.

CFA Executive Director, James Baty |

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