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Letter from the President: What My Toolbox Looks Like…

This month’s letter from the CFA Board President:

What My Toolbox Looks Like


David Martinson
Martinson Construction

If your company is like mine, the start of the new year, while certainly not a surprise, brings forward a list of what we didn’t get accomplished last year compared to what we did manage to achieve. Fortunately, I’m happy to be able to say that what we accomplished was far more than we perhaps even imagined and it seems the economy in our market is rolling in a positive trend. I certainly hope that is the case to you.

As president of the CFA, I also have an acute understanding for how the Association is doing and the reasons behind the results. No doubt you have seen the countless emails our staff is sending, announcing new company after new company, returning member after returning member. There is a surge in membership growth right now and it is very pleasing to me. That means many companies, new and old, are beginning to see the toolbox that my company has benefitted from for many years.

My toolbox for Martinson Construction looks like a CFA reference library. I can see the benefits of CFA education affecting my management style and directives as well as the confidence from the project managers that I rely on. The projects we are involved in are prepared for success as we relate concrete code information and practical construction guidelines that have grown out of the technical involvement this Association has put forward.

The crews that we send out have the best chance for efficiency and safety combined and we are fully prepared for any relationship with OSHA because of the leadership established by the CFA.

Finally, anything we come up with, whether business management or construction related, can be tested almost instantaneously among the many professional peers I have met and remain in convenient contact with through the many CFA communication vehicles.

If this describes your current toolbox, than I am very pleased as your current president to know that you have found the fruits of what so many before you have produced. I also look forward to what will be produced in the future through the combined information and efforts you will now lend.

However, if this does not describe the look of your toolbox, I want to encourage you right now to make what is perhaps the easiest investment you will ever make in your company…that of joining the one association that is truly yours, mine…ours.

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