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Letter from the President: Learning from One Another…Being Friends

This month’s letter from the CFA Board President:

Learning From One Another…Being Friends


David Martinson
Martinson Construction

It gives me great pleasure to write to you as your president. As a third generation concrete contractor and a member since 1993, I have experienced first-hand what the Concrete Foundation Association has to offer. It was not long after I started my career at Martinson Construction that I decided to join the Association. I joined the Association in order to form business relationships with industry related companies, but what I received in return was so much more. The leadership and companionship of the Association have proved profitable beyond comparison for my business. The combination of leadership and friendship is what continues to inspire young business professionals into successful companies.

In the coming years, I would like to focus on growing membership by emphasizing the importance of the friendships formed within the Association. With an increase in members, we will continue to gain expertise from each other, and most importantly we will be able to increase our impact on the industry.

We cannot look to the future without first recognizing our past. I would like to recognize and thank our outgoing president, Jim Bartley, for his outstanding leadership and involvement with the Association the past two years. It is an honor to follow in the footsteps of him and my other predecessors; it was their innovative leadership that has made the Association what it is today. With my leadership, I will maintain the Association’s reputation as an industry leader. I hope to impact each and every one of you the same as the Association has impacted me throughout the years.

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