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Why Concrete Beats Wood


As published by Concrete Contractor Magazine.

The Concrete Foundations Association explains why concrete foundations outperform wood in the majority of residential applications.

The art, science and profession of residential concrete is centuries old, yet the farther we get from its origin the more complex the industry around us tries to make it. Understanding the basics, the strengths and the performance characteristics is the key to benefiting from and continuing to advance the industry. I will be taking a look at some of the common and bizarre questions that are brought to our attention at in this new column.

Q: A few subdivisions around me have wood foundations and I am being challenged in my belief that concrete is better. Is there a reason why? – Realtor

A: It seems this question comes around once each decade. It varies in its regional location and the popularity of the opinion but nevertheless returns. Wood foundations are simply the wrong construction solution for any condition combining varying soil pressures, water content and non-homogeneous structural elements.

For the complete article, visit the article at

For more information on the codes affecting this issue or the research, contact Jim Baty, CFA Managing Director.

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