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Marketing 101

It was once written, “These are the best of times, these are the worst of times…” and truly the residential industry feels that pain right now. Returning from the last two meetings we can truly say we’ve never heard such wide spread diversity to the message of the state of the industry. Places are busier than ever and places are barely able to hold the doors open. In times like this, often looking outside our industry one can find nuggets to apply to the process of digging out or coping with the trouble. One such thought was recently offered in the Business Digest (800) 272-7344.


Consider this time one of the greatest opportunities to become distanced from the others by making your company unique. Survival may come from more than just leaning the tank.

This issue offers insight to the great things to come from the CFA on your behalf. Do you question how much the CFA is doing for you? Do you sometimes question our motives? At left is what one member saw that reminded him the CFA will stop at nothing to become known to all…

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